In case of any grievance, please contact the Grievance Officer.
If you are the rightful owner of the content or an affected person and have the reason to believe that any content that has been uploaded/contributed through this Service contravenes your rights in violation of Rule 3 of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules, 2011 (“Rules”), then you may intimate the same to in the following manner:
(a) Sending a request in writing or through email signed with electronic signature identifying the content alleged to be in infringement of your rights as the rightful owner or affecting you prejudicially;
(b) Providing exact identification and description of the content by giving its URL that is to be disabled, which in your view contravenes Rule 3(2) of aforesaid “Rules”.
(c) Giving a declaration cum undertaking alongwith necessary documents establishing you (i) as the rightful owner of the content to be disabled, or (ii) as an affected person, and stating that the information submitted is true, complete & accurate and no material fact has been hidden. Further, stating that and its Management, Directors, employees, including Grievance Officer shall not be liable for any loss or damage or claim for relying upon the said request.
(d) Contact information including address, telephone number, email address, etc. where you can be contacted if required.
You can send your request to Grievance Officer, at:
Grievance Officer India Ltd.
Address: 1st Floor, Mahalaxmi Engineering Estate, L. J. First Cross Road, Mahim (W), Mumbai 400 016 (India)
Email: grievances (@)
Phone: +91-22-61820000 (between 9am to 6pm IST from Monday -Friday except Public holidays)
(e) The grievance(s) shall be redressed in accordance with the said Rules and in good faith by the Grievance Officer.
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