Railway PNR is a unique 15 digit code issued by Indian Railways for very ticket reservation done. PNR Status stands for Passenger Name Record Status. PNR number can be used to check PNR status whether the Railway Ticket is in the waiting list or has been confirmed.
PNR is basically a record in the database of CRS (Computer Reservation System) of a Passenger(s). PNR used to be a 10 digit number till recently, but now has been changed to 15 digit code. PNR is allotted by CRS on availability of required information like Name of the Passenger, Ticket Details, Itinerary, Name of the person making the booking and in case booking made through Travel Agent, his contact details.
The PNR Status Enquiry can be made by dialing number 139 or sending SMS to 139 with code keyword ‘PNR’ followed by the 15 digit PNR number and the PNR status is made available within seconds. Further, in case of wait listed tickets PNR status is automatically sent through SMS on confirmation or preparation of chart, whichever is earlier.