Consumer Protection Act, 2054 (1998) Preamble: Whereas, it is expedient to make provisions for protecting consumers from irregularities concerning the quality, quantity and prices of consumer goods or services, ensuring that no one lowers or removes the attributes or usefulness of consumer goods or services, preventing circumstances in which monopolies and unfair trade practices may lead to an increase in prices, as well as false and misleading propaganda regarding the use and usefulness of consumer goods or services, selling, supplying, importing, exporting and storing safe and quality consumer goods or services, and protecting the rights and interests of consumers through the establishment of an agency for redressing the hardships of consumers, and thus maintaining the health, convenience and economic welfare of consumers. Rights Protected: Every consumer shall have the following rights: (a) Right to be protected from the sale and supply of consumer goods and services which may harm life, body, health and property. (b) Right to be informed about the prices, attributes, quantity, purity, quality, etc. of consumer goods and services so as to be safe from unfair trade practices. (c) Right to be assured of an opportunity to choose consumer goods and services at competitive prices as far as possible. (d) Right to be assured that an appropriate agency will hear matters concerning the protection of the rights and interests of consumers. (e) Right to be heard and compensated against exploitation and grevances hardships resulting from unfair trade practices. (f) Right to consumer education. Complete Act: (Nepal Law Commission)