Consumer Law in India is regulated by Consumer Protection Act of 1986. It provides for establishment of consumer forums at various levels so that a speedy redressal can be made available to the ordinary consumers. Consumers can approach a consumer forum in case of violation their rights.
The law provides for the creation of District Consumer Redressal Forums at District level, e.g Delhi alone has ten District Consumer Forums functioning at different places. Jurisdiction of District Forums depends of the place of office of opposite party or the value of subject matter. The pecuniary jurisdiction for the District Consumer Courts is Rs 20 Lakhs, and while you need to approach State Commission in your state in case of value of goods/compensation claimed exceeds 20 Lakhs.
Consumer Law India intends to provide you with latest news and issues from the consumer law field, which includes the issues faced by customers/consumers, action taken and response received from the other party.
The issues discussed here are those matters in which atleast some legal action has been initiated and we are satisfied that the fact/issues are true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We do not intend to defame any company but our aim is to make aware the consumers of the issues other users are facing, how they can protect their rights and the action they can take against consumer exploiters.
You can contact us for free basic advise/guidance on the consumer complaints you may have. We have Consumer Law Expert on our panel, who will happy to assist you in deserving cases !
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